We Venture into South Dakota

As we continued our western loop, we visited Sioux Falls, South Dakota. We were very impressed by Falls Park, which is a 128 acre public park located just north of downtown and sits on the Big Sioux River. People really seemed to like splashing around in the water and having direct access to the falls.

Falls Park overview
Direct access to the falls

Downtown Sioux Falls has what’s considered the largest annual exhibit of public sculptures in the world. It’s known as Sculpture Walk. The walk features more than 60 sculptures spread along the sidewalks of downtown. Below are a few of our favorites.

Beary Sharing
Mr. Bo Jangles

Opened in 1931 and offering free ice water to road weary travelers, Wall Drug Store has become an iconic landmark. Located in Wall, SD (pop. 800), it now hosts upwards of 2 million visitors a year.

Very busy for a weekday afternoon

Many of you remember the duck and cover drills from our youth. Since we were close by, we just had to visit the Minuteman Missile National Historic Site. For thirty years, 1000 nuclear missiles located throughout the Great Plains were kept on constant alert. We visited one of the silos.

Fascinating museum
Looking down a missile silo
Do you think Domino’s would sue?

8 thoughts on “We Venture into South Dakota

  1. Wow, fantastic! You guys look great. I have been thinking about you alot this past few days, hope all is good. I love Charlotte the pig statue. Where too next?
    Love you,
    Casper and Glynda

    1. Hey Glynda and Casper, Been thinking about you too. It seems like forever since we’ve seem you. We are currently in Montana on the West side of Glacier National Park. In a week or so, we will start making our way south through Idaho, Utah, Nevada and spending the winter in San Antonio. We are very behind on blog posts. Hope you are doing ok too. Love you!!

  2. ;;;hey guys it sure looks like you are having a great time;;;;;i wish you could of came over this way this year but i gu
    ess maybe we will see you next year be careful in whatever you do & stay safe;;;;

  3. Y’all look like you are still having a blast traveling around! Love the playing bears sculpture. Think you will enjoy the beauty of Glacier National Park, we enjoyed that last year and it wasn’t as clear when we were there due to the California fires. Hope we can visit you while you are in San Antonio since I love that area.

    1. Would love to see you guys in San Antonio. Let’s plan that. We are staying on a golf course if you are interested in playing. We are in Glacier right now and it is beautiful. We have had quite a bit of smoke here due to the fires which has made some of the views gloomy, but it’s still gorgeous. We keep telling ourselves we just need to come back. Take care.

  4. So great you guys are still seeing so much of the US and enjoying all there is to see that is so different from Texas. I guess by now you have been to most of the states and made lasting memories. You are so fortunate to make continued trips over the years. We are still in Durango CO and will return to Texas in October. The weather here is beautiful but we have had a lot of smoke from California and New Mexico . Fortunately we have had some rain this summer so that has helped. Safe travels

    1. Hey Sue. We are still touring the country and still have a few more states to go before we visit them all with our RV. We are in Montana right now and the smoke from the fires has been terrible at times. I’m glad that you and Ed are in Durango and visiting the family. What a beautiful place. Safe travel to Texas. I think we will be in Houston around February. Take care.

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